Attacking and Securing PEAP

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) is often regarded as a secure 802.11 wireless authentication protocol. Whilst PEAP has the ability to become a secure protocol it is certainly not without its deficiencies. I thought I would take this opportunity to provide everyone with an overview of the PEAP protocol by examining what it is, how it works, where its shortcomings lie, and how to secure it. Before we dive into the security concerns surrounding PEAP it is important to know there are currently three versions of the PEAP standard. The version I will be referencing throughout the remainder of this post will be PEAPv0. This is the most common deployment of the PEAP standard. PEAP is a widely deployed Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) type used to securely authenticate users against 802.11 wireless networks. Developed by Microsoft, Cisco and RSA, PEAP has been made popular through its continued support by the Microsoft Windows platform. PEAP has the ability to su...